Embarking on A Voyage to Publish 30 Essays in 30 Days

2 min readJan 8, 2022

I recently enrolled in Ship 30 for 30, a practical cohort-based writing course that requires you to publish 30 atomic essays online in 30 days. I decided to use this course as an opportunity to also publish these essays here on Medium in an effort to strengthen my daily writing habit.

Here is my first atomic essay on this 30-day voyage…

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Reasons I embarked on Ship 30 for 30

When I first heard about Ship 30 for 30, the idea of writing daily in public for 30 days appealed to me.

Here’s why…

#1. Freedom of choice can be challenging

I write as part of my full-time job and my side-hustle. Writing as part of a job has boundaries — you research and write about prescribed topics. I expect the freedom to choose what I write about for 30 days may cause analysis paralysis. If so, I need to learn to overcome indecision and inaction.

#2. Writing is processing

I consume too many books, articles and podcasts without processing what I learn! Writing can help me process information better and help me develop my critical thinking skills and express my views better. Seeing your thoughts on paper is different from having them float around in your head.

#3. Writing in public will get me out of my comfort zone

As an introvert, I tend to avoid the spotlight. Doing new things in public scares me and sometimes stops me from going all out for exciting things. Writing in public is unfamiliar to me, gets me out of my comfort zone and can only lead to personal growth.

#4. Short-term challenges are fun!

I love trying new things and often do 30-day challenges or experiments to develop new skills or try new hobbies or habits. These experiments are fun and you always learn something new — some things stick and others don’t, but it is part of knowing and developing myself.

Most of all, I love the idea of starting 2022 with a challenge to build momentum to have a wonderful year!

Originally published on: Sunelle’s Social Blog.

